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Wyeast 1099 Whitbread Ale
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Wyeast 1099 Whitbread Ale

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Wyeast 1099 Whitbread Ale

A mildly malty and slightly fruity fermentation profile. It is less tart and dry than Wyeast 1098 British Ale. With good flocculation characteristics, this yeast clears well without filtration. Low fermentation temperatures will produce a clean finish with a very low ester profile. Origin: Flocculation: Medium-High Attenuation: 68-72% Temperature Range: 64-75F, 18-24C Alcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV


- Styles: Blonde Ale English IPA Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale) Oatmeal Stout Southern English Brown Special/Best/Premium Bitter Standard/Ordinary Bitter Sweet Stout

- Flocculation: Medium-High 

- Attenuation: 68-72% 

- Temperature Range: 64-75F, 18-24C 

- Alcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV

  • CA$19.95
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Wyeast 1099 Whitbread Ale

A mildly malty and slightly fruity fermentation profile. It is less tart and dry than Wyeast 1098 British Ale. With good flocculation characteristics, this yeast clears well without filtration. Low fermentation temperatures will produce a clean finish with a very low ester profile. Origin: Flocculation: Medium-High Attenuation: 68-72% Temperature Range: 64-75F, 18-24C Alcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV


- Styles: Blonde Ale English IPA Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale) Oatmeal Stout Southern English Brown Special/Best/Premium Bitter Standard/Ordinary Bitter Sweet Stout

- Flocculation: Medium-High 

- Attenuation: 68-72% 

- Temperature Range: 64-75F, 18-24C 

- Alcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV

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