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Wyeast 3638 Bavarian Wheat *By Request*
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Wyeast 3638 Bavarian Wheat *By Request*

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*This strain is available by request.*

Wyeast 3638 Bavarian Wheat

A complex alternative to the standard German wheat strain profile. This strain produces apple, pear, and plum esters in addition to the dominant banana character. The esters are complemented nicely by clove and subtle vanilla phenolics. 

The balance can be manipulated towards ester production through increasing fermentation temperature, increasing the wort density, and decreasing the pitch rate. Over pitching can result in a near complete loss of banana character. Decreasing the ester level will allow a higher clove character to be perceived. 

Sulfur is commonly produced, but will dissipate with conditioning. This strain is very powdery and will remain in suspension for an extended amount of time following attenuation. This is true top cropping yeast and requires fermenter headspace of 33%

- Styles: Dunkelweizen, German Hefeweizen, Roggenbier (German Rye Beer), Weizen/Weissbier, Weizenbock

-  Flocculation: Low 

- Attenuation: 70-76% 

- Temperature Range: 64-75F, 18-24C 

- Alcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV

  • CA$19.95
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*This strain is available by request.*

Wyeast 3638 Bavarian Wheat

A complex alternative to the standard German wheat strain profile. This strain produces apple, pear, and plum esters in addition to the dominant banana character. The esters are complemented nicely by clove and subtle vanilla phenolics. 

The balance can be manipulated towards ester production through increasing fermentation temperature, increasing the wort density, and decreasing the pitch rate. Over pitching can result in a near complete loss of banana character. Decreasing the ester level will allow a higher clove character to be perceived. 

Sulfur is commonly produced, but will dissipate with conditioning. This strain is very powdery and will remain in suspension for an extended amount of time following attenuation. This is true top cropping yeast and requires fermenter headspace of 33%

- Styles: Dunkelweizen, German Hefeweizen, Roggenbier (German Rye Beer), Weizen/Weissbier, Weizenbock

-  Flocculation: Low 

- Attenuation: 70-76% 

- Temperature Range: 64-75F, 18-24C 

- Alcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV

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    • CA$24.00

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