Imperial Yeast L28 Urkel
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Imperial Yeast L28 Urkel

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A traditional Czech lager strain, Urkel allows for a nice balance between hops and malt. This strain can be slightly sulphery during fermentation, but it cleans up during lagering. Fermentation at the higher end of the range will produce a beer with minimal sulfur and a light ester profile.

Temp: 52-58F, 11-14C // Flocculation: Medium  // Attenuation: 71-75%

Each pouch contains 200 billion cells, designed to inoculate 5 gallons (19L) of standard gravity wort.

  • CA$15.75
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A traditional Czech lager strain, Urkel allows for a nice balance between hops and malt. This strain can be slightly sulphery during fermentation, but it cleans up during lagering. Fermentation at the higher end of the range will produce a beer with minimal sulfur and a light ester profile.

Temp: 52-58F, 11-14C // Flocculation: Medium  // Attenuation: 71-75%

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    • CA$19.95

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