Abbaye Dry Ale Yeast, LalBrew® Lallemand - 11g
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Abbaye Dry Ale Yeast, LalBrew® Lallemand - 11g

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LalBrew Abbaye™ is an ale yeast of Belgian origin. Selected for its ability to ferment Belgian-style beers ranging from low to high alcohol, LalBrew Abbaye™ produces the spiciness and fruitiness typical of Belgian and Trappist style ales. When fermented at higher temperatures, typical flavors and aromas include tropical, spicy and banana. At lower temperatures,
LalBrew Abbaye™ produces darker fruit aromas and flavors of raisin, date and fig. 

Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Belgian White, Belgian Blonde, Belgian Golden, Dubbel, Tripel, and Quad.

  • CA$9.00
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Vigorous fermentation that can be completed in 4 days.
High attenuation and Medium to High flocculation.
Aroma and flavor is fruity and spicy with a hint of alcohol.
The optimal temperature range for LalBrew Abbaye™ yeast when producing traditional styles is 17°C(63°F) to 25°C(77°F)