Typical Use: Aroma
Alpha Acid: 2.5-4.5%
Beta Acid: 4.0-6.0%
Origination: Czech Republic
Aroma/Flavour: Floral, Mild, Clean, Herbal, Earthy
Styles: Pilsner, Lager, Bock, Kolsch, Belgian Ale
Similar Hops: Sterling, Motueka
The classic "noble" aroma hop with long and strong traditions, associated with the renowned pilsner lager.
Saaz is one of the four original Noble hops and has a distinctive and classic aroma. Known for its prominent use in Stella Artois and countless Bohemian Lagers and Pilsners. Its warm, herbal character stems from a high level of farnesene while its other oils are in fair balance.
With such a low alpha acid percentage, Saaz is inarguably an aroma hop, however, when used as an early addition it is thought to add a delicate bitterness. Additionally, its elevated content of polyphenols aids in abating oxidation, giving beer brewed with Saaz a notably longer shelf life.