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SPECIFICATIONS Highly purified yeast cell walls for the stimulation and activation of alcoholic fermentation through adsorption of fermentation inhibitors. OENOCELL® yeast cell walls undergo a specialized treatment that favours and contributes to maintaining adsorption capacity.
SCIENTIFIC RESULTS Long chain fatty acids (C6, C8, C10) have been shown to be inhibitors of alcoholic fermentation (Salmon et al., 1993). Yeast cell walls have a high long chain fatty acid fixation power (Lafon-Lafourcade et al., 1984) and the ability to fix pesticide residues. OENOCELL® has a favourable effect on malolactic fermentation through its detoxifying action in juice or wine.
OENOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS The mannan and glucan content provide OENOCELL® with a high adsorption power that contributes to the detoxification of juice and wine. The lipid compounds of OENOCELL® promote the stimulation and activity of fermentation and improve yeast viability. • Preventive use: OENOCELL® ensures a regular and complete fermentation while limiting the risks of organoleptic deviations and avoiding a toxic medium for bacteria. • Curative use: OENOCELL® favours the restart of sluggish or stuck fermentations.