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Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley Ale
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Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley Ale

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Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley Ale

This strain produces classic British bitters with a rich, complex flavor profile. The yeast has a light malt character, low fruitiness, low esters and is clean and well balanced. 


- Styles: Brown Ale, Porter, Stout, Altbier, Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale), Porter

- Flocculation: medium-low 

- Attenuation: 77% 

- Temperature Range: 62-72° F (16-22° C) 

- Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 10% ABV

  • CA$19.95
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Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley Ale

This strain produces classic British bitters with a rich, complex flavor profile. The yeast has a light malt character, low fruitiness, low esters and is clean and well balanced. 


- Styles: Brown Ale, Porter, Stout, Altbier, Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale), Porter

- Flocculation: medium-low 

- Attenuation: 77% 

- Temperature Range: 62-72° F (16-22° C) 

- Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 10% ABV

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    • CA$24.00

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