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Wyeast 3763 Roeselare Ale Blend
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Wyeast 3763 Roeselare Ale Blend

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Wyeast 3763 Roeselare Ale Blend

"Our blend of lambic cultures produce beer with a complex, earthy profile and a distinctive pie cherry sourness." Aging up to 18 months is required for a full flavor profile and acidity to develop. 

Specific proportions of a Belgian style ale strain, a sherry strain, two Brettanomyces strains, a Lactobacillus culture, and a Pediococcus culture produce the desirable flavor components of these beers as they are brewed in West Flanders. 

Propagation of this culture is not recommended and will result in a change of the proportions of the individual components. This blend will produce a very dry beer due to the super-attenuative nature of the mixed cultures.

 100mL of culture

- Styles: Flanders Brown Ale/Oud Bruin, Fruit Lambic, Gueuze, Straight (Unblended) Lambic

-  Flocculation: variable 

- Attenuation: 80% 

- Temperature Range: 65-85F 18-30C 

- Alcohol Tolerance: ABV 11%

  • CA$19.95
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Wyeast 3763 Roeselare Ale Blend

"Our blend of lambic cultures produce beer with a complex, earthy profile and a distinctive pie cherry sourness." Aging up to 18 months is required for a full flavor profile and acidity to develop. 

Specific proportions of a Belgian style ale strain, a sherry strain, two Brettanomyces strains, a Lactobacillus culture, and a Pediococcus culture produce the desirable flavor components of these beers as they are brewed in West Flanders. 

Propagation of this culture is not recommended and will result in a change of the proportions of the individual components. This blend will produce a very dry beer due to the super-attenuative nature of the mixed cultures.

 100mL of culture

- Styles: Flanders Brown Ale/Oud Bruin, Fruit Lambic, Gueuze, Straight (Unblended) Lambic

-  Flocculation: variable 

- Attenuation: 80% 

- Temperature Range: 65-85F 18-30C 

- Alcohol Tolerance: ABV 11%

  • Brand
  • Liquid or Dry?
  • Type of Yeast
    Ale, Wild, Sour, Funky
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