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Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier
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Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier

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Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier

This versatile witbier yeast strain can be used in a variety of Belgian style ales. This strain produces a complex flavor profile dominated by spicy phenolics with low to moderate ester production. It is a great strain choice when you want a delicate clove profile not to be overshadowed by esters. It will ferment fairly dry with a slightly tart finish that compliments the use of oats, malted and unmalted wheat. 

This strain is a true top cropping yeast requiring full fermenter headspace of 33%.


- Styles: Witbier, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Tripel, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer 

-  Flocculation: Medium 

- Attenuation: 72-76% 

- Temperature Range: 62-75F, 16-24C 

- Alcohol Tolerance: 11 to12% ABV

  • CA$19.95
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Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier

This versatile witbier yeast strain can be used in a variety of Belgian style ales. This strain produces a complex flavor profile dominated by spicy phenolics with low to moderate ester production. It is a great strain choice when you want a delicate clove profile not to be overshadowed by esters. It will ferment fairly dry with a slightly tart finish that compliments the use of oats, malted and unmalted wheat. 

This strain is a true top cropping yeast requiring full fermenter headspace of 33%.


- Styles: Witbier, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Tripel, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer 

-  Flocculation: Medium 

- Attenuation: 72-76% 

- Temperature Range: 62-75F, 16-24C 

- Alcohol Tolerance: 11 to12% ABV

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