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Wyeast 1450 Denny's Favorite
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Wyeast 1450 Denny's Favorite

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Wyeast 1450 Denny's Favorite

This terrific all-round yeast can be used for almost any beer style, and is a mainstay of well-known homebrewer, Mr. Denny Conn. It is unique in that it produces a big mouthfeel and accentuates the malt, caramel, or fruit character of a beer without being sweet or under-attenuated.


- Styles: Amber Ale, Brown Ale, American IPA, Pale Ale, Stout, Braggot, Porter, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer, Classic Rauchbier, Cream Ale, Fruit Beer, Imperial IPA, Irish Red Ale

- Flocculation: Low 

- Attenuation: 74-76% 

- Temperature Range: 60-70F 15-21C 

- Alcohol Tolerance: ABV 10%

  • CA$19.95
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Wyeast 1450 Denny's Favorite

"This terrific all-round yeast can be used for almost any beer style, and is a mainstay of well-known homebrewer, Mr. Denny Conn. It is unique in that it produces a big mouthfeel and accentuates the malt, caramel, or fruit character of a beer without being sweet or under-attenuated."


- Styles: Amber Ale, Brown Ale, American IPA, Pale Ale, Stout, Braggot, Porter, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer, Classic Rauchbier, Cream Ale, Fruit Beer, Imperial IPA, Irish Red Ale

- Flocculation: Low

- Attenuation: 74-76%

- Temperature Range: 60-70F 15-21C

- Alcohol Tolerance: ABV 10%

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